Bonners Ferry Baptist Church
Bonners Ferry Baptist Church - Home
Church at 6892 Cody Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Bonners Ferry Baptist Church is a Loving group of people who have voluntarily Joined together to Evangelize this Lost world, as well as edify and educate the saints.
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Address | 6892 Cody Street Bonners Ferry ID 83805 Get directions |
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Bonners Ferry Baptist Church rating
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (6 reviews)
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Bonners Ferry Baptist Church
Open now.Today: 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Sunday | 10:00 am - 01:00 pm 06:00 pm - 08:00 pm |
Thursday | 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm |
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Last reviews about Bonners Ferry Baptist Church
in Bonners Ferry, ID
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- ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The only plus is that they preach from the King James Bible. Having said that, this is the most unloving church that my wife and I ever attended. We watched on-line, talked with the pastor on the phone and we believed this to be a biblical church so much so that we made the mistake of moving from California to Idaho to be a part of it 6 years ago. After seeing the cliquish disfunction, we left. We recently attended again to see if anything had changed and we found it to be even worse. The pastor of this church since its start 18 years ago has refused to have any elders or deacons. We have seen this thing in other churches, and like this one, it's a divine dictatorship with the pastor accountable to no one. If you should have a biblical concern he has no problem showing you the door instead of having any biblical discussion. You will find that the majority of the positive reviews on this website and others are written by people on the payroll and family. I find this most disturbing and certainly shows the lack of integrity. The reason for this review is to warn others so they won't make the same expensive and heartbreaking mistake as my wife and I - we didn't believe the bad reviews either, but they are unfortunately true. My wife and I are 67 years old and have been saved for several decades and we have never seen anything like this in a Baptist church.
..........This review was brought to you by Ronald and Kathy McCollum...........Added July 22, 2023 by Ronald McCollum - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
On the plus side, they use the King James Bible, but I've never seen a church in my life so devoid of love. Everything that they do is out of obligation, but there is no genuine love or care behind it. I have never seen such a thing. If you raise a biblical concern about anything, they will show you the door. It is the Pastor's way or the highway....never mind what the bible might have to say. In 18 years since its start, this church has never had any elders or deacons. I have always found churches like this are generally a divine dictatorship which lacks pastoral accountability. I have never written a review on a church before, but we moved from California to Idaho 6 years ago to be a part of this church, and I would hate to see anybody else go through the expense and pain that our family endured. We even revisited this church several years later to see if anything had changed and if anything, it got worse.
Added July 18, 2023 by Ronald McCollum - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Selfish, mean, clanish, and the absence of gods loving kindness on those who truly love him and fear him their is no fear of god before their eyes. and their their deeds are dirty and they approve of them that do them.
Added September 19, 2021 by anita - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'll leave this here for others to chew on...
Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.
Pastor Neal reviews after a negative review was left, and says this about himself and his church; "It is my privilege and honor to pastor Bonners Ferry Baptist Church. I am thankful for what the Lord is doing here in and through the lives of people who love his Word."Added January 19, 2017 by Zach Puffe - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
As a former member, I'm compelled to share my view of this church. My family located to BF 2 years ago, to attend this church. We believed we were going to attend a soul winning, friendly church, w/ people who loved God. 1st impression: cold & unwelcoming. Trying to overlook it, we jumped in, to serve.In our 2 yrs attending, we saw things that shouldn't be happening. We saw people leave broken, feeling worthless,(about38 left in two years, including us, significant in a small church). We saw people mistreated, &a widow in her darkest hour, neglected. We saw visitors come in, never to be warmly greeted or loved. We saw clicks in the church that were toxic not only to us, but many others. We heard people being gossiped about.Hypocrisy, lies &self righteousness loomed about. We saw the Pastor glare you down if you "misbehaved" in his eyes. We saw a controlling, cold, robotic, environment. You simply aren't allowed to be someone outside of "Pastor's mold." I could go on. Our brief story: history first:My husband's a soul winner, a genuine man of God..fervent, zealous, bold, one who weeps over souls and knows his Bible.Pastor sharply spoke to my husband 1 night, (after my husband told him a man got saved) snapping "you're hasty to get people saved." An odd "rebuke." Hasty for souls? Absolutely! My husband called him to discuss,but learned you're not allowed to have your own convictions or beliefs. My husband was actually told he was "over-zealous" and that it causes trouble. The Pastor said Jehu got in trouble for being zealous...weird, my Bible says how blessed Jehu was BECAUSE he was zealous. Basically he wanted to shut my husband up. Pastor told my husband he went soul winning out of the flesh (bizarre).It's laborious/tedious job giving the gospel, and any GOOD soul winner would tell you that. My husband was told to stop approaching visitors. Pastorsaid soul winning isn't same in BF- insane! I had the awful experience of hearing the 3rd conversation between my husband &Pastor. My husband was calm/kind, &told him he disagreed on this issue. Pastor's spirit of anger bounced off the phone while using manipulative tactics &"authority." He seethed with condescension & belittlement.He wouldn't allow my husband to question things. If you question/disagree, you're accused of undermining authority or told you can't take "rebuke." It's challenging to get the story out(limit words on google). Basically, we left the church. My husband wrote Pastor a warm email of departure, thanking him for allowing our family to serve, and God bless you.Pastor responded, "The wicked man fleeth when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion." After 2 yrs of serving whole heartedly, this is the response we get for leaving his church? That we're wicked? It's actually laughable, but sick. We've talked to many who've left the church, and the stories are heartbreaking. They were nice when they wanted something, but reality there:sit down, shut up, don't think. Here's what they don't like @ BFB: self thinkers, fruitfulness,strength, extroverts, boldness,truth.It threatens them. You have to be a yes man to survive there. I could share countless stories. People whowon't last there:fruitful, genuine self thinkers, and those who KNOW their Bibles well. I am sharing this because of the hurt that's come. I wish someone shared with us. It would have saved us 2horrible years(thank the Lord He restores the years the locusts have eaten). It was horrible, to say the least.If you want to go to aplace loaded w/ deceit, control, manipulation, pride, and lack of love, this is the place for you. Please be careful at a church like this.Know your Bible. If you go to BFB and are reading this, pay attention. There is a LOTmore to the story than you're being told. Do your research, ask questions, seek truth. It will make you free.You'll see clear. People have been silent there, too long. Like they are trained not to ask questions. Very sad. Bad things happen when good people do nothing. Expose truth. I pray this helps someone.
Added September 18, 2016 by Jessica Argon - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great place, they teach and preach the truth of the word of God. I can honestly say that my family and I have been helped tremendously by Pastor Nevin Neal. I am very thankful for the straight forward Bible preaching that we receive week in and week out. I know that our Pastor loves us. He loves us enough to tell us the truth. I have never know a more godly man in all my life and I am priveledge to call him my pastor and my friend.
Added August 07, 2016 by Christopher King
Bonners Ferry Baptist Church website info
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Website title: Bonners Ferry Baptist Church - Home
Website description: Bonners Ferry Baptist Church is a Loving group of people who have voluntarily Joined together to Evangelize this Lost world, as well as edify and educate the saints.